CSolidaire : Crédit Agricole Assurances promotes employee engagement

September 29 2020

Crédit Agricole Assurances has launched CSolidaire, a programme designed to facilitate employee engagement in initiatives of public interest. This platform forms a part of its patronage policy and responds to employees’ desire to become more involved in actively serving society.

CSolidaire, constructed jointly with a start-up, Wenabi1, offers voluntary employees the possibility of taking part, within or outside working hours, in social aid missions, while respecting the health precautions:

  • Tutoring and Sponsorship to engage directly with vulnerable people (refugees, disadvantaged children, illiterate people, etc.) thanks to a partnership with Stop Illettrisme2, Kodiko3 and Institut Télémaque4.
  • Congé solidaire® (solidarity leave) to take part in environmental or development aid missions in partnership with Planète Urgence5.
  • Skills volunteering to help non-for-profit associations that have identified needs, particularly in the areas of communication, human resources and legal, thereby enabling them to survive over the long term and strengthen their commitment to vulnerable populations.
  • One-off aid missions to give a helping hand to association with no particular skills.

All employees that volunteer will have the support of the partner associations throughout their missions.

For Caroline Nicaise, CSR Director at Crédit Agricole Assurances: “Through CSolidaire, our priority is to enable our employees, according to their expectations, leanings and availability, to take part in useful actions in favour of vulnerable people. This platform, created in favour of the public interest, is a concrete example of Crédit Agricole Assurances’ social commitment and its determination to be a major player in all areas linked to social inclusion.”


Created in 2017 and hosted at Village by CA until 2019, Wenabee is a Tech For Good start-up that puts associations looking for volunteers, sponsors or strategic actions in contact with businesses that wish to engage for the public good. 700 associations have already joined the platform, both national and local.

2 Stop Illettrisme

Stop Illettrisme is a network of engaged business that seek to promote access to reading, writing and basic French language skills for all employees through tutoring and skills sponsoring.


Kodiko helps refugees find work by teaching them the labour market and job-hunting codes, through a programme of individual or collective refugee-employee co-training courses. 

4L’Institut Télémaque

L’Institut Télémaque was set up in 2005 under an agreement with the French Department of Education. It provides support to school children, high school pupils and apprentices from low-income backgrounds to give them every chance of success thanks to dual school-business tutoring and drawing on 4 levers: social and cultural openings, discovery of the working world, self-confidence and academic achievement.

5Planète Urgence

Planète Urgence is an international NGO set up in 2000 and which works to promote a sustainable and solidary world. Its role is to give each person a role in their development and that of their community through action in the field in France and abroad.