6th call for carer project proposals of Crédit Agricole Assurances

January 28 2016

1 February – 8 April 2016 : Crédit Agricole Assurances announces its sixth call for carer project proposals*

Working carers: encouraging solutions to reconcile their role at work and as carers


Crédit Agricole Assurances is launching its sixth national call for project proposals with French non-profit organisations supporting volunteer and family carers. This year will focus in particular on projects enabling these people to reconcile their life at work and their role as carers.

Almost half of carers have jobs and reconciling their work life and their role as carers is a major concern.

For the past three years, Crédit Agricole Assurances has been taking action to support its employees who are carers and, through its call for project proposals, it is looking to encourage charities to offer responses to the issues faced by working carers.

Charities can submit their projects online at www.etreaidant.com from 1 February to 8 April 2016. Each year, the panel looks for concrete initiatives with real, sustainable impacts for carers. The projects selected will be awarded funding for one to three years, depending on their needs for support, with an overall budget of €300,000.

Crédit Agricole Assurances has received over 800 applications since 2010, and around 100 of them have been able to benefit from funding, within a total budget of €1.5 million.

Find out more and apply at www.etreaidant.com and @EtreAidant


Examples of projects supported in 2015

Haut Adour Gérontologie “active solidarity” association, Bagnères de Bigorre (65)

Organisation of a mobile respite break service aiming to welcome 35 to 40 people per week in five different towns and cities.

Website: www.haut-adour-gerontologie.com

CCAS du Lorrain, Martinique (97)

Organisation of meetings between family carers to exchange best practices and discover new relaxation techniques and methods. Each quarter, 50 carers will follow a programme of six training sessions led by a psychologist, a family mediator and a mind-body therapist.

Contact: servicemandatairelorrain@gmail.com

Réseau SPES, Le Coudray-Monceaux (91)

Organisation of meetings between young family carers aged 8 to 22, enabling them to overcome the social, cultural and academic discrimination they may face at school and in their day-to-day lives.

Website: www.reseau-spes.com


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