2022 carer initiative campaign : Crédit Agricole Assurances firmly establishes its commitment to carers in local communities

March 7 2022

Crédit Agricole Assurances is continuing its efforts to help family carers through its annual carer initiative campaign, which will run from 7 March to 29 April 2022, with a view to providing financial support to local community initiatives that address carers’ needs. Launched in 2010 as part of Crédit Agricole Assurances’ sponsorship programme for carers, this initiative is in keeping with the Crédit Agricole Group’s societal project and its commitment to promoting social inclusion. Since then, more than 180 programmes have been funded nationally, thanks to an overall envelope of more than €2.5 million, providing support for more than 20,000 carers.

The three focuses this year will be on:

  • Developing peer support:  these are actions taken to provide a listening ear and create a link with carers through the support of peer carers rather than professionals.
  • Structuring cooperation and interaction between players: applications will be expected to include models and best practices for cooperation and interaction between players in the same community that provide support for carers. 
  • Providing “life after caring” support: initiatives developed by associations to support carers when they cease their role as a carer for a loved-one. 

In addition to financial support, the chosen associations will receive training to help them with communication issues, obtain funding and develop partnerships.

For the first time this year, one of the chosen associations will also be awarded a special jury prize. It will receive individual support over a period of several months to help consolidate its business model to ensure the sustainability of its project, define a strategy to develop its resources, and enhance its skills and tools to become more efficient.

Associations can submit their applications at www.ca-assurances.com between 7  March and 29 April 2022.

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