Valérie Baudson

Censor I Chief Executive Officer of Amundi I Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole S.A.

Valérie Baudson has been Chief Executive Officer of Amundi since May 2021. She is a member of the Crédit Agricole S.A. Executive Committee.

Valérie Baudson began her career in 1995 at the Banque Indosuez in the General Inspection Division. She then joined Crédit Agricole Cheuvreux where she became Corporate Secretary, then Marketing Director Europe. She joined Amundi Group in 2007 to launch and develop the Amundi ETF expertise. She became a member of Amundi Executive Committee in 2013 and member of the Management Committee in 2016 in her capacity as CEO of CPR AM where she was in charge of the division dedicated to third party distribution clients and private banks for Amundi Group and supervised Amundi’s subsidiaries in Germany and Spain. She is also a director of CA Indosuez Wealth Management, a member of the AFG Strategic Committee, Chairwoman of the Paris Europlace College of Institutional Investors and a member of the AFG Strategic Committee.

She is a graduate of the HEC business school Paris, Finance specialisation.